7 reasons why athletes are valuable employees

Alex Opacic • March 8, 2023

7 reasons why athletes are valuable employees

Many athletes that we work with ask us “Why would I be valued as an athlete? I feel like I have no experience”.

They usually have dedicated their entire lives to perfecting their craft and competing as an athlete, so on paper it makes sense why they might feel like this. Technically, it might be true that they have no industry experience (what the business world calls relevant work experience), and yes, it’s true that this is important in some cases.

However, it’s important to note that industry experience is not all employers look for and often they’re looking at the broader picture. Athletes develop an array of transferable skills throughout their sporting experiences that increase their likelihood of becoming a high performer in their next career. This includes their:

  1. Competitiveness: it’s in an athlete’s DNA to compete. They’re going to work their butt off to outwork teammates & competitors. If they’re not the leading performers, they’re at least going to boost overall team productivity and their going to create/add to a healthy team culture.
  2. Resilience: Athletes are some of the most motivated and dedicated people you will ever meet. Once they have decided they’re doing something, it doesn’t matter what they need to sacrifice, or how long they need to persevere. You know that if anyone is going to get it done, it is them.
  3. Ability to set goals and achieve them: Wondering whether an athlete can set a goal and then has the drive to achieve it, is like wondering if Tom Gleeson is going to offend anyone in one of his comedy shows. Put the house on it, you know it’s going to happen.
  4. Attitude: Athletes show up everyday. Despite the weather, or how they’re feeling, or what’s happened in their personal life, or whether they’re facing a new challenge. They show up and give 100% no matter what. No excuses.
  5. Discipline: Athletes are dedicated to the one percenters that are going to get them one step closer to their goal. They are constantly moving forward, and they won’t look back until they get there.
  6. Grit: They get knocked down 8 times, they get up 9! It doesn’t matter if they don’t have any industry experience, athletes have the perseverance to learn, fail and get back up again until their industry leaders.
  7. Growth mindset: Successful athletes want to learn, and they’re not afraid to admit their wrong if it’s going to move the needle forward. They know feedback is an opportunity to improve, to become efficient and to get closer to their goal sooner. As a result, they seek, welcome, and apply feedback, and they won’t be afraid to ask for help if they need it.

These are just some traits that are extremely valuable in the business world, and that employers are looking for.

For any senior athletes looking for work, your high performance mindset will set you apart from other job seekers with similar industry experience. Not to mention leadership qualities that elite athletes tend to possess.

Imagine you are an employer and you have to choose between two job-seekers for a role. Both have 4 years industry experience, both are qualified for the role, but one candidate also has had a 10 year professional sport career and, in that time, dealt with pressure, early morning training sessions, form slumps, injury setbacks and became a highly resilient person because of it.

Who are you choosing?

We work with companies that believe having an elite athlete background is a competitive advantage, and this is why athlete backgrounds are valued in the workforce.

Want a visual explanation? Watch here:


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