What does it involve?
Designed specifically for athletes, Another Plan A is a 7 week program that will take you through an innovative approach to reimagining your career away from sport. Built for collaboration, the tight-knit sessions are run to delicately challenge your habits of thinking. You will build on the strengths that made you successful in sport, and learn how to transfer these skills into a business environment. Upskill yourself and develop your readiness and vision for your next career.
Programs will ideally run with 4-6 participants p/coach to ensure a rich and personal experience, with an investment of USD999 per person.
Workshops are led by qualified life coaches and career practitioners with 20+ years of corporate, public sector and for-purpose leadership coaching experience. Including Career Development of Association of Australia (CDAA) members & HCS Future Ready accredited facilitation.
Plan for your tomorrow
Athlete2Business’ Another Plan A program works with current & former professional athletes and guides them in discovering and preparing for a career and passion outside of sport. Whether it’s supporting their current sporting endeavours with a part time job or brainstorming actionable career plans for retirement, Another Plan A was designed to encourage athletes to find a passion on the same level as their sport.
As professional athletes, we like to think it will last forever, we’re indestructible, unbreakable, things work out, we always figure it out, we’re head strong under all circumstances, if all else fails or when it ends resort to plan B. Through A2B’s Another Plan A program, whether you’re a collegiate or pro athlete we help you find and design a post-sport career you’ll be passionate about. Not a plan B...Another Plan A!
Course Dates + Time for 2024
Courses start 1st week in February, April, June, August, October and November.
All courses begin at 8am.
Another Plan A
Don't just take our word for it, here is what other athletes had to say about this revolutionary career transition course...
I just finished Another Plan A and it was extremely enjoyable and insightful.
Fully analysing my character strengths and life experiences, has given me greater clarity about my passions, skillset and the knowledge I have attained throughout my career and life. This step by step programme, has left me with an actionable plan to move towards the next phase of life with excitement and confidence.
We as athletes strive to always be the best but being in a transition period out of football. Its been tough to figure out what I am going to do next and sometimes feeling the pressure of everything. I Believe that this course never made me feel judged about the areas I lacked but reenforced the opportunity that career development is important. It gave me clarity with what my interests were and figuring out how that would incorporate into work I would like to do.
I would like to acknowledge another plan A has help put tools in place to given me the confidence that understand my strengths, owning my story and know what matters most. The program with other athletes allowed me to be encouraged and placed me outside my comfort zone to give feedback when asked upon.
Whether you’re an athlete looking to transition into a new career or an employer looking to build a high-performance culture within your team, Athlete2Business looks forward to working with you!
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