Three years into our business and the most common industry we’ve placed athletes into is Recruitment to work as a Recruitment Consultant.
It’s a role that comes with a base salary (typically around $60-90k, depending on your experience and aptitude) and a commission structure on top of your base. With a commission structure, the average performers earns $110-150k and the top performers earn $180-250k p/year. The very best earn $300k+ and some can earn $500k+.
The role of a Recruitment Consultant is to help businesses hire talent. Very similar to being a sports agent, except it’s in the business world.
The role requires strong communication & negotiation skills, resilience, discipline, drive, a competitive nature, ability to work in a team and most importantly a strong ability to network and build relationships. Just like sport, in recruitment you win and lose a lot. You go through ups and downs.
To get through the downs, you have to be resilient. Overall, to make it in recruitment you have to stay levelheaded, don’t get too high on the highs, or too low on the lows. Stick with a process without emotional attachment to the results.
From all the athletes we’ve placed in recruitment, the consensus is – “recruitment is very fun and rewarding!”
1) Business Development: recruiters build relationships with Clients (companies) who need help hiring talent.
2) Job Brief Clients give recruiters a job brief, that is what kind of employee they want to hire, eg. a graphic designer with 4 years experience.
3) Sourcing The recruiter then commences sourcing (or resourcing), this is the act of trying to find Candidates to fill the role.
Finding this talent is one of the hardest parts of the job. Often you must headhunt someone from another company and offer them the opportunity. This involves writing to people on Linkedin, Calling from a database, or other sources. If you find someone who seems qualified and is interested… then you must speak to them and qualify them over the phone, video or in person.
4) Qualifying you must then speak to potential candidates at length and “qualify them”. Essentially you are interviewing them on behalf of the Client. You must see if they are a good candidate and if you believe they will be a good fit.
5) Liaising if they are a good fit for the role then you send them to the client, arrange interview times etc…
6) Feedback and closing after interviews, you gather feedback from both parties and arrange further interviews. If after a few interviews the job is offered to your candidate. You help finalize signing of contracts etc.
7) Payment your company then invoices the client, you make commission off each placement.
8) CRM all of the process from start to finish is recorded in the company CRM/database.
Have a look at some of the different roles within recruitment here:
Whether you’re an athlete looking to transition into a new career or an employer looking to build a high-performance culture within your team, Athlete2Business looks forward to working with you!
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