This is the only program designed for athletes by former athletes who are now seasoned successful sales professionals. This course will teach you how to tap into your athlete mindset and convert it into tangible results in b2b sales. Includes templates and processes to build your pipeline and close more deals.
Only someone who’s been in the trenches, weathered the storms of rejection and found a way that works can understand what it takes to succeed in sales. Thankfully, that person will be your guide.
This program will provide you with...
1. Education on how to translate your high performing habits from sports and convert it into cash in B2B sales.
2. Tools and frameworks that will give you sales competence, confidence and 10 x your commercial awareness.
3. A step by step guide on how to find new opportunities and bring them to close. You will be equipped with a winning sales process.
4. On-going support & guidance for 12 months, helping you action your learnings in your sales job.
5. 12 month access to an online community of sales & marketing resources. Tips, tools, videos, templates, webinars and more.
Using the right approach will enable you to self-generate deals and close them faster. Did you know that in sales professions, over 70% of salespeople aren’t hitting their target. The other 30% are crushing it.
If you're new to the industry and entering the sales world at a junior level, this course will enable you to earn 6-figures + within 12-24 months. If you're a seasoned sales professional looking to accelerate your growth, this course will enable you to achieve high 6-figures & hit your financial goals quicker!
Ran by industry leading sales coaches who are former successful b2b sales professionals. Prior to dominating in the sales world, they were elite athletes. What led them to becoming successful in sales was learning how to translate their high performing habits from sport (resilience, drive, discipline, competitive nature, coachability, grit and grind and teamwork) into the business world. Along with developing a high level of Communication skills, Humble Confidence, Emotional Intelligence and Commercial Awareness (CHEC). They are now ready to teach you how to translate your habits from elite sports, along with being excellent in CHEC into b2b sales success.
"In my first job post rugby I lacked guidance, support, confidence and frankly competence. I wanted to be successful, but didn't know how. I then took the A2B sales course, landed a new job and thanks to the actionable learnings on this course, I've now been promoted twice, tripled my earnings and have become a leading sales professional in the tech sector." - Former Pro Rugby Player
" I feel lucky enough that my sporting code had a significant number of resources and support when it came to retirement. I was able to have regular check ins after hanging up the boots, but unfortunately, I still struggled to find motivation for my next pathway. For a while there I was feeling lost, but this course gave me purpose again. The A2B Sales Course helped give me direction and gave me tangible goals for me to work towards so I could chase success again. " - Former Pro Football Player
"When I finished with football, I wasn't sure which direction to take with my career. I came across the A2B Community, landed a role in sales and thanks to this sales coaching course, I've been able to exceed my targets and become one of the best sales reps in my company." - Former Socceroo
The live sales coaching course goes for 6 weeks and involves: 1 x 1-hour session p/week outside your work or athletic (if you're still a full-time athlete) commitments. Course dates for 2024 are Monday 5th Feb, Monday 6th May, Monday 5th August, Monday 4th November. All courses start at 8am AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)
Get live weekly coaching, plus...
Interested or have any questions about our A2B Sales Course? Get in contact with us below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Likewise, if you would like to sign up, fill in the details below with the date you would like to commence the sales course.
Whether you’re an athlete looking to transition into a new career or an employer looking to build a high-performance culture within your team, Athlete2Business looks forward to working with you!
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