As a business owner or hiring manager, you’re on the hunt for high performers who are going to get you results. At the end of the day, your goal is to find dedicated individuals who are going to add value to your team and ultimately increase your ROI.
For many, the traditional answer is to hire individuals with the most industry experience. This of course makes sense on paper and fills your businesses need in the short term. However considering our modern day society, I’d like to pose the question whether you think this method is supporting your businesses growth in the long term?
Our reality is evolving every day and traditional measures simply just won’t cut it soon. As the world slowly transitions online, what we have known in business is changing, and as a result what we need in employees is also developing.
Successful employees need to be innovative, proactive, able to work individually or as a team, adaptable, motivated, confident, coachable, resilient, competitive and willing to put the hard yards in.
The Capability.Co have highlighted that an employee’s “invisible skills” such as their mindset, potential to adapt, and their commitment to company purpose and colleagues should be far more valued than their “visible skills” such as their industry experience and university degrees. Statistics show that:
– 80% of the 280,000 jobs created in 2018-2028 will not fit within our current standards of how we classify existing occupations or industries. This means your employees are going to have to learn a lot of new skills- and fast if they want to stay current/valuable.
– 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 do not exist today. This means the world is changing, therefore so is the demand of our customers, and in extension the demand of your employees.
– 63% of occupational skills will be non-technical, soft skill intensive by 2030. This means hiring on character will take you and your company a long way.
Athletes are high performers on and off the field, and a smart hiring choice. The experiences and skills athletes have developed throughout their sporting careers creates character that is their own unique superpower and sets them apart from other candidates.
Do you want employees who…?
…can perform under pressure? KPI’s don’t scare athletes, they have to meet them every day in the sporting arena. Imagine standing in front of the goal. The score is tied. You have the ball in your hand. And there are 2 seconds left on the clock.
…are resilient? They show up, everyday and give 100%. Regardless of the weather, how they’re feeling or what is going on in their personal life, they are hardwired to work hard and not give up when circumstances are tough.
…crave self-improvement? Athletes have spent years perfecting their craft through feedback, and know that it will get them one step closer to success. They welcome and apply advice.
…are phenomenal team players? Athletes know that they are only as strong as their weakest link. Imagine building a team culture where every athlete trusts their teammates to block the tackle that could leave them with permanent brain damage.
…are 100% committed to a goal? Imagine training for three decades, all for a chance at a gold medal, with the odds being incredibly high that you’ll go home with nothing. That’s dedication.
I know who I’d want on my team.
Hire character, and train the skill. I encourage you to be forward thinking next time you’re hiring and to consider what will drive your long term growth in this modern day society.
Written by Stef Weiler.
Want a visual explanation? Listen to our founder explain the perks of hiring athletes below:
Whether you’re an athlete looking to transition into a new career or an employer looking to build a high-performance culture within your team, Athlete2Business looks forward to working with you!
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